Progressive Orthodontics for an Individualized Approach
When a patient undergoes any kind of orthodontic treatment, continual, gentle force in the direction of the required change will eventually alter the position of teeth. There are many ways to go about this and achieve the desired results.
Traditional braces use the same archwire design and brackets for all patients. But Dr. Hicks uses a new technique that customizes the design of both, so different brackets can be used on different teeth for optimized results. This means faster, more comfortable treatment with better results and improved long-term retention. It also means fewer visits to the dental chair for adjustments.
Standard braces permit Dr. Hicks to employ the most control over how your teeth are straightened. More intricate corrections can be completed using this method. Usually, braces are in place for two to two-and-a-half years. However, everyone requires a specific amount of modification and the time required will change by patient.
Hicks Family Dentistry
Kevin Hicks, DDS
756 Lititz Pike
Lititz, PA 17543
(717) 625-0596
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